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The Adventures of William and the Talisman in the Land of the Rainbow

Author: Jamila Mafra


The end of the afternoon was still sunny, in the sky the birds sang while Guilherme returned from school pedaling his bicycle. With his boyish joy he spread smiles and glances at the few clouds seen above.
Guilherme had just moved with his parents to the new city and that seemed to be another ordinary afternoon. For the first time, he passed through a street that was busy at that time, when he came across an old house that is about to be demolished.
Having an adventurous spirit, the next day, he returns to the mansion and when he discovers it he finds; in one of the dusty rooms, a magical talisman capable of fulfilling the wishes of its possessor.
This stone belonged to an old sorcerer who once inhabited that place. Enthusiastic with the discovery, Guilherme takes the talisman with him and immediately makes his first request: to be taken to a world where there is a lot of gold. In this world he will live great moments.
The Adventures of Guilherme and the Talisman In the Land of the Rainbow will make you travel through an incredible place, a place hidden in our dreams.

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Biografia da Autor:

Paulista, escritor e ativista cultural. Editor da Revista Conexão Literatura ( e colunista/colaborador da Revista Projeto AutoEstima ( Membro Efetivo da Academia de Letras José de Alencar (Curitiba/PR). Chanceler na Academia Brasileira de Escritores (Abresc). Participou em mais de 50 livros, tendo contos publicados no Brasil, México, Portugal e França. Publicou ao lado de Pedro Bandeira no livro "Nouvelles du Brésil" (França), com xilogravuras do grande José Costa Leite. Criador e organizador do livro "Possessão Alienígena" (Editora Devir) e "Time Out - Os Viajantes do Tempo" (Editora Estronho). Fã n° 1 de Edgar Allan Poe, adora pizza, séries televisivas e HQs. Autor do romance "O Clube de Leitura de Edgar Allan Poe" e autor convidado do livro "Aquela Casa" (Editora Verlidelas). Entre a organização de suas antologias, estão os títulos "O Legado De Edgar Allan Poe", "Histórias Para Ler e Morrer de Medo", "Van Helsing - Caçadores de Monstros" e outros. Escreveu recentemente a introdução do livro "Bloody Mary - Lendas Inglesas" (Editora Dark Books).



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